

a number of hands in a circle overlapping each other

What is Sociology?

Sociology focuses on the role of social organization in human interactions, societal structure and the dynamics of social life using both applied and conceptual methods. Ethnic Studies offers a critical and interdisciplinary approach to the study of various ethnic groups within our nation highlighting the history, literature, 以及不同种族群体的观点. All of our degrees and majors aim to create a more just society by preparing our students to engage as adept critical thinkers and global citizens.

Learn more at: This is Sociology 

The site includes information about the discipline, 社会学家可以拥有的技能和职业, 专业发展短片, 以及如何成为社会学家. 这个网站是 美国社会学协会


Sociology at LAVC

At LAVC, a wide variety of courses are offered in Sociology for both general education credit and for satisfying lower division transfer requirements. Most courses are UC and CSU transferable and an AA degree in Sociology may be earned. 有关更多信息,请参见 College Catalog.

Keidra Morris
(818) 947-2486
Office Location
BSC 111D 

Office Hours


Sociology & Ethnic Studies




The Sociology Department at Los Angeles Valley College aims to provide a variety of courses, giving students a holistic approach to the field. Students investigate the structure of groups, organizations, and societies and how people interact within these contexts.

Associate of Arts for Transfer (AA-T) in Sociology is designed to prepare students for a seamless transfer into the CSU system to complete a baccalaureate degree in Sociology. The AA-T also satisfies the UC Transfer Pathway.

Sociology AA-T

Sociology Club


LAVC社会学俱乐部是非特许组织, student driven collective endorsed by the Sociology Department of Los Angeles Valley College. Currently, the faculty advisor is Laura Scott. The goal of Sociology Club is to foster a space for students to discuss current events, create community, and engage with the world through various campus events. 



Sociology Faculty


Email: breckeim@free-real-estate-listings.com
Phone: 818-947-2812 
Office: BSC 111A


Email: @email
Phone: 818-947-2814
Office: BSC 111B

Sally Raskoff, Ph.D. 

Email: @email
Phone: 818-947-7256
Office: LARC 200

Laura Scott, M.A.

Email: @email
Phone: 818-947-2330
Office: BSC 111B


Email: southgde@free-real-estate-listings.com
Phone: 818-947-2527
Office: FL 119A



点击下面的兼职教师列表. For a complete list of LAVC faculty search the LAVC Directory.

Name Contact
Michelle Fowles, M.A. @email
Emal Gerami, M.A. @email
Erika Holiday, M.A. @email
Leslie Labertew, M.A. @email
Steven Sherwood, Ph.D. @email
Alyssa Stenberg, M.A. @email
Tremaine Truitt, M.A. @email
Jesse Valadez, M.A. @email

Faculty Profiles

Click below to learn about the Sociology faculty.

Smiling man in t-shirt and blazer in front of blank background.
  • 加州大学河滨分校社会学博士、硕士
  • Teaches 社会学导论, 美国社会问题, 社会学的分析, 种族和民族关系, Human Sexuality, 性别社会学, Popular Culture 
  • Interested in race, class, and gender inequality; social movements and social change; volunteerism and civic engagement; media and popular culture; political sociology
  • Role in department: Program Effectiveness and Planning Committee (PEPC) Chair
  • Fun Fact - 当我在高中的时候, my grandfather was a track and field coach at LAVC and he taught me how to drive in the parking lot on campus.




  • PhD, MA in Sociology, The Graduate Center-City University of New York
    • Certification in Geographic Information Systems, Penn State University
  • Teaches 社会学导论, 美国社会问题, 种族和民族关系, 人类性行为,劳工运动
  • Interested in class dynamics, race, masculinity, sexuality, labor movements, privacy rights
  • 部门角色:俱乐部联合顾问
  • Fun Fact - 乐趣被高估了. 

Smiling woman wearing a Sociology hat with books in the background
  • PhD in Sociology, University of Southern California
    • 社会学硕士,社会学学士 & Social Work, CSUN
  • 教授统计学、性别社会学
  • Interested in Gender, Race, Class, Intersectionality
  • 部门职责:教学 & Learning Workgroup 
  • Fun Fact -第一代大学生 & USAF veteran


  • CSUN社会学硕士
  • Teaches Marriage & Family Life, Crime & 犯罪,社会学导论
  • Interested in family, gender, stratification, delinquency
  • 部门角色:俱乐部联合顾问; SimSoc Chair
  • Fun Fact - I am a graduate of Los Angeles Valley College!


Woman smiling in t-shirt and blazer in front of background of flowers
  • 俄亥俄州立大学社会学博士
  • Teaches 社会学导论, Social Problems, Sociological Analysis
  • Interested in Stratification/Inequality, Education, and Culture
  • Role in department: Academic Senate, SBSCAP Completion Team
  • Fun Fact:  I have been a self-taught musician since about 10 years old. My favorite instruments are guitars and analog synthesizers.

Faculty Profiles

Click below to learn about the Sociology adjunct faculty.

Woman with long hair smiling in front of blurred background
  • 加州州立大学富勒顿分校社会学硕士
  • Teaches Introduction to Sociology; Marriage and Family Life; Race and Ethnic Relations; Human Sexuality; Crime and Delinquency; Directed Practice in Social Welfare; Introduction to Social Services; American Social Problems 
  • Interested in Gender/Sexualities; Race and Ethnic Relations; Qualitative Research Epistemologies; Food Studies; Social Welfare ​​​​​​
  • Fun Fact - ​​​​​​When I am not teaching you can find me in the kitchen making everything from my own salsa all the way to chocolate chip cookies! 


  • 普林斯顿大学社会学硕士
  • Teaches Introduction to Sociology; Marriage and Family Life; Race and Ethnic Relations; Crime and Delinquency
  • Interested in Race, Culture, Stratification, Educational Systems, and Qualitative Research
  • Fun Fact - 第一代大学生. My first Sociology class was at LAVC as a high schooler. I love puzzles!



  • CSUN社会学硕士
  • Teaches Intro to Soc, Marriage and Fam, Human Sexuality, Social Problems




  • Psy.D., QME in Clinical & Forensic Psychology, Philips Graduate Institute 
    • 硕士,佩珀代因大学
  • Teaches Introduction to Counseling; Marriage and Family Life; Introduction to Sociology 
  • 兴趣领域:社会学/心理学 
  • 有趣的事实:我一生都是素食主义者. 





  • 加州州立大学富勒顿分校社会学硕士

  • Teaches Race & Ethnicity, Intro to Sociology, Social Problems, Marriage and Family, Criminology, Human Sexuality

  • Interested in Race, Ethnicity, Social Stratification, Criminology

  • Fun fact: I love seeing my students defy the odds. 




Brandon Hildreth
Academic Dean (Adult Education, 员工发展, and Dual Enrollment)